Meet & Greet

During our first meeting I want to learn about you: how you live, what colors you love, what areas are your priorities. We will discuss how you want to feel in your space, your style, scope, and my process. I invite you to share your aspirations for the space.

Planning your space

After our initial meeting, I will take measurements of your existing spaces, and format them into floor plans and elevations. With this framework in place, I can begin to conceptualize furniture placement that will align with how you want to move through the space. We will also discuss inspiration and find images that speak to your design aesthetic. At this time we will finalize layouts and the budget for the project.

DIving into the details

This is the time to dig into the details. Once layouts have been determined, I begin the process of searching through my vast resources to select the perfect furniture, wall coverings, floor coverings, lighting and art for your space. I will present you with my best recommendation for all the pieces needed to complete your space, along with fabric and finish samples so you can feel the texture and read the colors. All of the options I present to you will be based on the inspiration for the space that we have developed together. At this time you will be able to review my recommendations and request changes to fit your lifestyle.

Purchasing & Execution

All purchasing and execution will go through Gradation Interiors. Once proposals are signed and payment is received, orders will be placed and a timeline is set. I will communicate all the details to my vendors to make sure the final product is a space that brings you a sense of peace and pride in your home. I will be on site for all the deliveries and installations to make sure the transformation is complete.